Institutes to which I am connected and whose aims are related with our research line.
- "John Bell Institute for the Foundations of Physics"
The aim of this Institue is to establish, through workshops and summer schools supported by an interdisciplinary worldwide community, the study of the Foundations of Physics as a discipline. The Institute WEB page is:
- "Foundational Questions Institute"
The aim of this Institute is to catalyze, support and disseminate projects that have as a first objective the research on Foundations of Physics and the exploration of new frontiers on physics, as well as ideas that help us to understand our reality in a deeper way. The Institute WEB page is:
- "The Metro Area Philosophy of Science Group"
Previously known as "The NY/NJ Philosophy of Science Group" MAPS hosts 3-5 courses in Philosophy of Science every semester in the area of New York/New Jersey. Sponsored by the Philosophy Departments of NYU, Columbia, Rutgers and CUNY Graduate Center. Most lectures take place in Manhattan. His WEB page is: and his Facebook page is:
- "Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares-UNAM" (Home Institute)
This is my home institute where I work with colleagues and students the most part of the year at the Department of Gravitation and Field Theory. The WEB page of the Institute is: